domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Tony se ha roto el brazo, pero está bien

Carina sigue alimentando su perfil de mujer fatal. Aunque nuestro pobrecito Tony se ha roto su bracito ella sigue rodando tranquilamente en China y dice Tony que no hay nada de que preocuparse, que es muy normal que uno se rompa algo practicando artes marciales. Si es que la justifica y todo.

Tony Breaks Arm, Spreads out to Sleep, Singtao Journal 7-18-09

Recently Tony Leung broke his arm, practicing Wing Chun . After several days of rest , yesterday Tony arrived, wound and all to the Chai wan studio to a photoshoot for a magazine. Because spouse Carina Lau is in the mainland filming for Tsui Hark's "Detective Dee", Tony says that it is very common to get hurt while practicing martial arts and that Carina should have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, he smiles while stating for now he can only stay home, spread out and be a corpse (sleep).

For Wong Kar Wei's new film, "The Grandmaster", Tony has been studiously practicing wing chun , this "Ip Man" has unfortunately broken his arm prior to filming.
At 10am, Tony's assistant appeared and began preparing for them to leave. Thirty minutes later, a chaffeur comes along and they go to Chai wan.

Descending the van, Tony seemed very graceful though his assistant acted very conspicuous and kept sneaking glances at the reporters, preventing them from getting to close incase they bumped Tony's arm, injuring it further more.

Tony's arm was bandaged, and the whole time he kept it down and lowered and didn't make much movement. When asked the condition of his wound, he said, "For now it's ok."

Reporter: "when will it heal?"
Tony: 4-6 weeks but will have to wait for the bone to heal and set back into place before i can move it.

When asked if Carina Lau, who is currently in the mainland filming, was worried, Tony didn't avoid the question by saying " Theres no need to worry. Its common to get hurt while practicing martial arts."

He says that there two bones in the arm, one of which is broken, so the arm cannot be moved. When a reporter asked what he is currently doing to treat it, Tony says "Not really a particular way to treat it but the painkillers don't really work and so I'm taking Chinese medicine. Now i can't really move so I'm like a "corpse" at home and sleep!
When he was asked if worried about the progression of the filming, he replied, not to worry and he can't really control it. Now he can only wait for the arm to heal . Tony was also asked if Wong Kar Wai expressed any sympathy, to which he laughed and said " What can i do even if he doesn't sympathize me?"

Fuente: Tony Leung Info

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